Most exhibit professionals are known as logistics experts who ensure that exhibit properties get to the show on time, take care of making hotel and airline reservations and order show services within the deadline period.
Candidly speaking, too many exhibiting companies fail to do their homework about shows. They fail to set objectives, fail to measure results and fail to follow up on leads.
Too many exhibitors go to shows for vague reasons such as showing support for an industry or an association and no other expectations. Or they go because their competition is going which, by the way, can be measured but most don’t do so. They go because they have always gone and again have no expectations other than wanting traffic in the booth as a measure of “being seen.”
In fact, less than half of the companies who exhibit actually set out formalized measurable goals, so like the old adage says, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.
In most cases, there is a major communications disconnect between what senior management expects and what the exhibit manager thinks they want to hear. Nine times out of ten, this disconnect is due to senior management’s failure to communicate what results are expected if budgets are to remain intact.
Candidly speaking, too many exhibiting companies fail to do their homework about shows. They fail to set objectives, fail to measure results and fail to follow up on leads.
Too many exhibitors go to shows for vague reasons such as showing support for an industry or an association and no other expectations. Or they go because their competition is going which, by the way, can be measured but most don’t do so. They go because they have always gone and again have no expectations other than wanting traffic in the booth as a measure of “being seen.”
In fact, less than half of the companies who exhibit actually set out formalized measurable goals, so like the old adage says, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.
In most cases, there is a major communications disconnect between what senior management expects and what the exhibit manager thinks they want to hear. Nine times out of ten, this disconnect is due to senior management’s failure to communicate what results are expected if budgets are to remain intact.